In this short scene, we meet the two flankers for the upcoming game between Yonsei and Yonseigakuen. The first player introduces himself as "Komori" , and the second as "Sekito San" . He tells the other players that he is the head coach of Yonsei's team and that he has been working hard on his flanker game. The other players congratulate him on his performance, and he tells them that they should look forward to the game.
In this short scene, we meet the two flankers for the upcoming game between Yonsei and Yonseigakuen. The first player introduces himself as "Komori" , and the second as "Sekito San" . He tells the other players that he is the head coach of Yonsei's team and that he has been working hard on his flanker game. The other players congratulate him on his performance, and he tells them that they should look forward to the game.