The next morning, the captain tells his men to get ready to attack again. He tells them to get on their trucks and prepare for battle. The staff sergeant tells the men to pack their things and get ready for battle, but the captain says that he looks even worse than he did the night before. The captain tells the staff sergeant to take care of the place until they can get back to their mission, but when the captain asks why he looks so bad, the sergeant says that it's because he's having a little dizzy.
The next morning, the captain tells his men to get ready to attack again. He tells them to get on their trucks and prepare for battle. The staff sergeant tells the men to pack their things and get ready for battle, but the captain says that he looks even worse than he did the night before. The captain tells the staff sergeant to take care of the place until they can get back to their mission, but when the captain asks why he looks so bad, the sergeant says that it's because he's having a little dizzy.