The sea god lake is full of life energy, and it's flowing right into the belly of the fat guy. The fat guy is so happy that he's going to drown himself in the lake. He's been drinking a lot of water, and he can't believe how much his body is getting used to it. The teacher is all, "you're the first fat guy I've ever met, and you're going to be my teacher for the rest of my life." The teacher tells him to stop drinking, because he'll soon be dead.
The sea god lake is full of life energy, and it's flowing right into the belly of the fat guy. The fat guy is so happy that he's going to drown himself in the lake. He's been drinking a lot of water, and he can't believe how much his body is getting used to it. The teacher is all, "you're the first fat guy I've ever met, and you're going to be my teacher for the rest of my life." The teacher tells him to stop drinking, because he'll soon be dead.