In this chapter, we learn that nana has agreed to keep the secret of her ancestry between herself and her son. She tells nan that it's hard for nan to get into the shreek academy, but nan thinks that nan's soul power is too great to beat nan. nan asks nan when they'll meet again, and nan says that she'll try to get nan into the academy and then she can get to school with nanqiu. nana says that's a good idea, since nan has a better understanding of elements than anyone else, and she's particularly good at teaching nan how to use them. Finally, nan agrees to do another physical examination, this time at the academy, to see if nan can match nan with her son, and if so, what kind of man nan will be. .
In this chapter, we learn that nana has agreed to keep the secret of her ancestry between herself and her son. She tells nan that it's hard for nan to get into the shreek academy, but nan thinks that nan's soul power is too great to beat nan. nan asks nan when they'll meet again, and nan says that she'll try to get nan into the academy and then she can get to school with nanqiu. nana says that's a good idea, since nan has a better understanding of elements than anyone else, and she's particularly good at teaching nan how to use them. Finally, nan agrees to do another physical examination, this time at the academy, to see if nan can match nan with her son, and if so, what kind of man nan will be. .