I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 160 • Page ik-page-4453262
I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 160 • Page ik-page-4453263
I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 160 • Page ik-page-4453264
Chapter 160
This is a locked chapterChapter 160
About This Chapter
The next morning, Gu yiming tells his brother that the trial is over and that he and his father have finally arrived in the United States. He tells his mother that his father is handsome and looks like a "delightful male model" in a "car commercial" . He asks his brother if he wants to try his fist at him, and he says that he did not know that he was being so considerate. The next chapter will tell us more about the trial, and it will also reveal that Lin beier has been in court to see the outcome of the trial.
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I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 160 • Page ik-page-4453262
I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 160 • Page ik-page-4453263
I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 160 • Page ik-page-4453264
Chapter 160
This is a locked chapterChapter 160
About This Chapter
The next morning, Gu yiming tells his brother that the trial is over and that he and his father have finally arrived in the United States. He tells his mother that his father is handsome and looks like a "delightful male model" in a "car commercial" . He asks his brother if he wants to try his fist at him, and he says that he did not know that he was being so considerate. The next chapter will tell us more about the trial, and it will also reveal that Lin beier has been in court to see the outcome of the trial.
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