I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-2810249
I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-2810250
I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-2810251
Chapter 38
This is a locked chapterChapter 38
About This Chapter
The next morning, Beier and Gu yiming are still on the boat, and Beier wonders if there's something on his face. The tour guide has told him that they can play on the frozen lake, but the camera is broken, and the lake is too cold to play on it. He can't even capture a single photo of Gu, so he's not going back to the boat. He's worried that he'll get frostbite on his feet, and he wants to get some hot springs after the win. Gu is worried that Beier's shoes are wet, but Beier assures him that his feet are fine. Gu asks if anyone brought shoes, but no one does. Beier says that he has socks, but he doesn't have socks yet. Gu points out that his scarf is dirty, so Beier asks if he deserves such treatment. He says that without him, there is no way for the boat to win. He asks Gu why he lost his cool, and Gu says that it was because of love. Gu tells Beier to go and compete with men.
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I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-2810249
I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-2810250
I Got Teased By Mr. Wonderful On Hot Search Again • Chapter 38 • Page ik-page-2810251
Chapter 38
This is a locked chapterChapter 38
About This Chapter
The next morning, Beier and Gu yiming are still on the boat, and Beier wonders if there's something on his face. The tour guide has told him that they can play on the frozen lake, but the camera is broken, and the lake is too cold to play on it. He can't even capture a single photo of Gu, so he's not going back to the boat. He's worried that he'll get frostbite on his feet, and he wants to get some hot springs after the win. Gu is worried that Beier's shoes are wet, but Beier assures him that his feet are fine. Gu asks if anyone brought shoes, but no one does. Beier says that he has socks, but he doesn't have socks yet. Gu points out that his scarf is dirty, so Beier asks if he deserves such treatment. He says that without him, there is no way for the boat to win. He asks Gu why he lost his cool, and Gu says that it was because of love. Gu tells Beier to go and compete with men.
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