The green emperor is about to die when he hears the sound of a sharp weapon. It's the first time he's heard a sound like this. He's worried that the ice-cold core of the universe has been ripped apart by the sun. He wants to know how he'll avoid it. He knows that he can't escape, but he also knows that the other emperors are using the same trick on him. He doesn't know why. He thinks that the emperor is just tricking him into thinking that the sun is closed off from him. The emperor says that he controls the explosion range so that he won't have to worry about the sun being closed off to him.
The green emperor is about to die when he hears the sound of a sharp weapon. It's the first time he's heard a sound like this. He's worried that the ice-cold core of the universe has been ripped apart by the sun. He wants to know how he'll avoid it. He knows that he can't escape, but he also knows that the other emperors are using the same trick on him. He doesn't know why. He thinks that the emperor is just tricking him into thinking that the sun is closed off from him. The emperor says that he controls the explosion range so that he won't have to worry about the sun being closed off to him.