The ghost emperor tells his master that he expects him to throw himself into the net. He tells him that even if he is in the realm facing the bengxingian lock, he has only one end. He says that he will deal with the first emperor first, then he will rid of the second emperor. The first emperor's lock is connected to his inner storage, and the ghost emperor says that the lock is already broken. He then tells the master that there is a secret weapon that he can use to defeat the immortal realm. The master says that this is nothing but a joke, and that the soul of the green emperor has sacrificed his wife and daughters. He asks the master if he still wants the secret weapon, but the master says he always feels like someone has modified the lock, and he asks if the master still wants this thing. Then the master tells him to go and look for souls of Red Emperor and White Emperor, they can't send them back without sending them back to reincarnate
The ghost emperor tells his master that he expects him to throw himself into the net. He tells him that even if he is in the realm facing the bengxingian lock, he has only one end. He says that he will deal with the first emperor first, then he will rid of the second emperor. The first emperor's lock is connected to his inner storage, and the ghost emperor says that the lock is already broken. He then tells the master that there is a secret weapon that he can use to defeat the immortal realm. The master says that this is nothing but a joke, and that the soul of the green emperor has sacrificed his wife and daughters. He asks the master if he still wants the secret weapon, but the master says he always feels like someone has modified the lock, and he asks if the master still wants this thing. Then the master tells him to go and look for souls of Red Emperor and White Emperor, they can't send them back without sending them back to reincarnate