The first divine emperor, the green emperor, and the black emperor are having a little tiff. The green emperor says that he's just trying to be polite. The black emperor, on the other hand, says that the first emperor is a great man, and that women are just as beautiful as men. The two argue about whether women are inferior to men or not. The first emperor says he feels a pain in his back, but he doesn't know why. He's not sure if it's because she's a woman or because it reminds him of some horrible things. He says he wants to talk to the ghost emperor. He wants to arrest the souls of the damned people. The ghost emperor says the divine emperors won't die, so he can't arrest his own soul. He also says that heaven will not allow him to arrest his soul. Green emperor says life and death aren't the same thing. They're caused by heaven, and immortals don't have the power to reverse it. He asks the ghost Emperor if he can use his power to control heaven's will. He has something to ask the daoist, nie zingyun, about how he treated the people in the east. nie says he was called a hero, but due to his actions, he no longer deserves to be called such. Green Emperor says he'll be the one to punish the rebellious, crooked traitors.
The first divine emperor, the green emperor, and the black emperor are having a little tiff. The green emperor says that he's just trying to be polite. The black emperor, on the other hand, says that the first emperor is a great man, and that women are just as beautiful as men. The two argue about whether women are inferior to men or not. The first emperor says he feels a pain in his back, but he doesn't know why. He's not sure if it's because she's a woman or because it reminds him of some horrible things. He says he wants to talk to the ghost emperor. He wants to arrest the souls of the damned people. The ghost emperor says the divine emperors won't die, so he can't arrest his own soul. He also says that heaven will not allow him to arrest his soul. Green emperor says life and death aren't the same thing. They're caused by heaven, and immortals don't have the power to reverse it. He asks the ghost Emperor if he can use his power to control heaven's will. He has something to ask the daoist, nie zingyun, about how he treated the people in the east. nie says he was called a hero, but due to his actions, he no longer deserves to be called such. Green Emperor says he'll be the one to punish the rebellious, crooked traitors.