The white fox king is offended by the highness of the imperial army, which has defeated him. He urges the white alligator army to attack the enemy forces and tear them into pieces. The white bear, who has been sucked into the water by the thunderbolt, is overjoyed to see the white bear army. The southern demon coalition, led by the dragon king, is coming to aid him. The high table chancellor, who fought the flower king, has been hit by his pollen and is unable to move.
The white fox king is offended by the highness of the imperial army, which has defeated him. He urges the white alligator army to attack the enemy forces and tear them into pieces. The white bear, who has been sucked into the water by the thunderbolt, is overjoyed to see the white bear army. The southern demon coalition, led by the dragon king, is coming to aid him. The high table chancellor, who fought the flower king, has been hit by his pollen and is unable to move.