The three deities meet in the same place at once. The ghoul emperor is the most powerful of the three. The divine emperors need to get the approval of the ghost emperor in order to reincarnate and rebuild. Otherwise, they will have to stay in the ghost realm. The cycle of life, death, and rebirth is so important to the divine emperor that he created the five deities and specially placed the position for the ghost Emperor. The ghost emperor never appeared before, he says, because he was too late. The current three gods are appointed by the god of heaven. The operation of six reincarnations is controlled by the gods. The only thing that can stop him is the soul of god who has been defeated. The demon immortal is buried in the underworld of asura, and he will awake from his sleep soon. He will burn the heaven realm up to a new world.
The three deities meet in the same place at once. The ghoul emperor is the most powerful of the three. The divine emperors need to get the approval of the ghost emperor in order to reincarnate and rebuild. Otherwise, they will have to stay in the ghost realm. The cycle of life, death, and rebirth is so important to the divine emperor that he created the five deities and specially placed the position for the ghost Emperor. The ghost emperor never appeared before, he says, because he was too late. The current three gods are appointed by the god of heaven. The operation of six reincarnations is controlled by the gods. The only thing that can stop him is the soul of god who has been defeated. The demon immortal is buried in the underworld of asura, and he will awake from his sleep soon. He will burn the heaven realm up to a new world.