This chapter's epigraph comes from the play's title, "Sweet Marks." It's a reference to the fact that Ming-Zheyan is the only person in the world who can really save a woman from drowning. In other words, Ming-Yen is the one who can save you from drowning, even if you don't want to believe it. In fact, if you're a woman who's drowning, you've got to do something to save yourself.
This chapter's epigraph comes from the play's title, "Sweet Marks." It's a reference to the fact that Ming-Zheyan is the only person in the world who can really save a woman from drowning. In other words, Ming-Yen is the one who can save you from drowning, even if you don't want to believe it. In fact, if you're a woman who's drowning, you've got to do something to save yourself.