Tender Loving CEO • Chapter 235 • Page ik-page-4466704
Tender Loving CEO • Chapter 235 • Page ik-page-4466705
Tender Loving CEO • Chapter 235 • Page ik-page-4466706
Chapter 235
This is a locked chapterChapter 235
About This Chapter
Si says that he'll report back to Ming if Ming drives more carefully. Si tells Ming that Ming seems to be "on to something" when Ming flatters him like this. Ming replies that this story is "purely fictitious, any resemblance is purely coincidental" . Ming says that Ming finally arrived, and Ming tells him that he would like to accept Ming's offer to promote his company. Ming asks Ming if he knows who invested the money in the show. Ming answers that he doesn't know, but Ming says it's not necessary to refuse the offer. Ming then asks Ming whether he's worried about Ming, because Ming will be upset if Ming refuses. Ming finishes the day's work, and then Ming and Ming look at each other. Ming is worried that Ming is going after his girlfriend like a ghost and Ming is the one who's following her. Ming wants Ming to apologize to Ming for what happened the night before, so Ming invites Ming to have lunch at noon. Ming tells Ming to give him a chance to tell him what happened. Ming thinks that Ming means by "date openly" , and he asks Ming to explain what's going on on the phone. Ming tries to convince Ming to let him have lunch with him. Ming reminds Ming that he and Ming are having lunch with Ming and his sister, and asks Ming why he has to be there. Ming points out that Ming hates Ming so much that Ming can't even eat with his sister. Ming finally tells Ming he has no choice but to reject the offer to publicize the show on television. Ming wonders if Ming is trying to get Ming to raise the price of the show so that he can get more money for the promotion. Ming has to propose a "more attractive offer"
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Tender Loving CEO • Chapter 235 • Page ik-page-4466704
Tender Loving CEO • Chapter 235 • Page ik-page-4466705
Tender Loving CEO • Chapter 235 • Page ik-page-4466706
Chapter 235
This is a locked chapterChapter 235
About This Chapter
Si says that he'll report back to Ming if Ming drives more carefully. Si tells Ming that Ming seems to be "on to something" when Ming flatters him like this. Ming replies that this story is "purely fictitious, any resemblance is purely coincidental" . Ming says that Ming finally arrived, and Ming tells him that he would like to accept Ming's offer to promote his company. Ming asks Ming if he knows who invested the money in the show. Ming answers that he doesn't know, but Ming says it's not necessary to refuse the offer. Ming then asks Ming whether he's worried about Ming, because Ming will be upset if Ming refuses. Ming finishes the day's work, and then Ming and Ming look at each other. Ming is worried that Ming is going after his girlfriend like a ghost and Ming is the one who's following her. Ming wants Ming to apologize to Ming for what happened the night before, so Ming invites Ming to have lunch at noon. Ming tells Ming to give him a chance to tell him what happened. Ming thinks that Ming means by "date openly" , and he asks Ming to explain what's going on on the phone. Ming tries to convince Ming to let him have lunch with him. Ming reminds Ming that he and Ming are having lunch with Ming and his sister, and asks Ming why he has to be there. Ming points out that Ming hates Ming so much that Ming can't even eat with his sister. Ming finally tells Ming he has no choice but to reject the offer to publicize the show on television. Ming wonders if Ming is trying to get Ming to raise the price of the show so that he can get more money for the promotion. Ming has to propose a "more attractive offer"
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