The chapter opens with a discussion of the pros and cons of various martial arts, including boxing, wrestling, and shurunui . The pros discuss the pros of boxing, and the cons of wrestling. The men discuss how they feel about each other's abilities, and then they discuss how each of them feels about the other. They then discuss how the other men feel about the pros, and how each feels about himself. Finally, the men discuss whether or not they would like to be friends with each other, and they decide to do so.
The chapter opens with a discussion of the pros and cons of various martial arts, including boxing, wrestling, and shurunui . The pros discuss the pros of boxing, and the cons of wrestling. The men discuss how they feel about each other's abilities, and then they discuss how each of them feels about the other. They then discuss how the other men feel about the pros, and how each feels about himself. Finally, the men discuss whether or not they would like to be friends with each other, and they decide to do so.