Chihayafuru 1-34 • Verse 123 • Page ik-page-2360429
Chihayafuru 1-34 • Verse 123 • Page ik-page-2360431
Chihayafuru 1-34 • Verse 123 • Page ik-page-2360432
Verse 123
This is a locked chapterVerse 123
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the narrator tells us that he's been feeling down lately because he lost to a girl named Arata in the last round of the girls' tournament. He's also worried about whether or not he'll be able to make it as a queen in the future. The narrator says that he doesn't want to be a queen forever, but that he has a solid family around him, so he shouldn't worry about it too much. He also says that Arata's family is so rich that they don't care about the tournament, even though they're rich themselves. He says that the girls have been feeling bummed out lately because they've lost to Arata, who's so cute and cute. They've also been bummed out because they haven't been able to win the tournament yet. Arata lost the tournament because he chose the wrong girl to challenge him in the final round. The girls are bummed out that they'll have no chance of winning the tournament this year, since there's no live streaming of the tournament on the big screen this year. They also have to deal with the fact that they won't have a chance to play in the big game because of the weather. They have to clean up after the tournament. They all have to get dressed and get ready to play. They talk about how they spent all their time thinking about how to play the game and how to make the most out of it. One of them says that it's funny that they all spent so much time on the game that they didn't even have time to think about what they were going to do with their lives after the game was over. He adds that they should've all gotten dressed up and gone to bed before the game started. He asks if he can just take off his makeup and go to the card game. He feels like he needs to get
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Chihayafuru 1-34 • Verse 123 • Page ik-page-2360429
Chihayafuru 1-34 • Verse 123 • Page ik-page-2360431
Chihayafuru 1-34 • Verse 123 • Page ik-page-2360432
Verse 123
This is a locked chapterVerse 123
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the narrator tells us that he's been feeling down lately because he lost to a girl named Arata in the last round of the girls' tournament. He's also worried about whether or not he'll be able to make it as a queen in the future. The narrator says that he doesn't want to be a queen forever, but that he has a solid family around him, so he shouldn't worry about it too much. He also says that Arata's family is so rich that they don't care about the tournament, even though they're rich themselves. He says that the girls have been feeling bummed out lately because they've lost to Arata, who's so cute and cute. They've also been bummed out because they haven't been able to win the tournament yet. Arata lost the tournament because he chose the wrong girl to challenge him in the final round. The girls are bummed out that they'll have no chance of winning the tournament this year, since there's no live streaming of the tournament on the big screen this year. They also have to deal with the fact that they won't have a chance to play in the big game because of the weather. They have to clean up after the tournament. They all have to get dressed and get ready to play. They talk about how they spent all their time thinking about how to play the game and how to make the most out of it. One of them says that it's funny that they all spent so much time on the game that they didn't even have time to think about what they were going to do with their lives after the game was over. He adds that they should've all gotten dressed up and gone to bed before the game started. He asks if he can just take off his makeup and go to the card game. He feels like he needs to get
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