The chapter opens with a clap of congratulations from the crowd at the tournament. Ayase congratulates himself on winning the competition. He tells his friend, Chihaya, not to worry about the competition next year because he's good at academics and sports. Chihaya tells him that he has a set of glasses and thanks him for bringing them back with him. He's also happy to meet his sister, who has come to the tournament to cheer him on. The prize for winning the tournament is a certificate and a prize for the "competitive spirit." Chihaya asks why he should bother showing him the certificate and prize. He thinks it's because the prizes are so important that they're worth showing off. He also thinks that the prizes make it easier for students to get good grades because they don't have to work as hard as teachers do. The teacher who yelled at him for being so good at the competition, he says, is the same teacher who yells at him every time he does something wrong in class. He says that the teacher should have stayed home and won the tournament instead of going out and getting a new pair of glasses for himself. The narrator says that it sounds like the teacher is going to have to wait until the next day to get a pair of new glasses because he won't be able to get them until the following week. The chapter ends with a shout-out to the other students in the room.
The chapter opens with a clap of congratulations from the crowd at the tournament. Ayase congratulates himself on winning the competition. He tells his friend, Chihaya, not to worry about the competition next year because he's good at academics and sports. Chihaya tells him that he has a set of glasses and thanks him for bringing them back with him. He's also happy to meet his sister, who has come to the tournament to cheer him on. The prize for winning the tournament is a certificate and a prize for the "competitive spirit." Chihaya asks why he should bother showing him the certificate and prize. He thinks it's because the prizes are so important that they're worth showing off. He also thinks that the prizes make it easier for students to get good grades because they don't have to work as hard as teachers do. The teacher who yelled at him for being so good at the competition, he says, is the same teacher who yells at him every time he does something wrong in class. He says that the teacher should have stayed home and won the tournament instead of going out and getting a new pair of glasses for himself. The narrator says that it sounds like the teacher is going to have to wait until the next day to get a pair of new glasses because he won't be able to get them until the following week. The chapter ends with a shout-out to the other students in the room.