Miss Lover Tamer

Miss Lover Tamer • Chapter 104 • Page ik-page-3687650
Miss Lover Tamer • Chapter 104 • Page ik-page-3687651
Miss Lover Tamer • Chapter 104 • Page ik-page-3687652
Chapter 104
This is a locked chapterChapter 104
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that although love is not a necessity, it will always be a threat to our relationship with the fox fairy. He tells us that if human relationships were "reset to factory settings," it would be "great" if they were "put on if I had another chance." He also says that if he had a chance to get to know her again, maybe he would "get to know" her again. The fox fairy tells her that he has just gotten her to the military medical camp. He says that he used to be "crazy about yandered male characters" in novels, movies, and dramas. Now, he wants to take him into the police station and put him to death. He wants to "bite you" and "let me bite you" at the same time. He curses her and says that she will never be able to "sexify" again in her life. He also curses his wife, saying that he will "take care of his wife" until she is "drowned and taken care of" by another man's "children." He tells her to "rest in peace," and then he curses the phoenix army and says they deserve to die. He then curses Mr. wang for being "infertile" and says he will take his wife's place. He adds that the army is just a "temporary plan" to "yield to evil guys" .
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Miss Lover Tamer

Miss Lover Tamer • Chapter 104 • Page ik-page-3687650
Miss Lover Tamer • Chapter 104 • Page ik-page-3687651
Miss Lover Tamer • Chapter 104 • Page ik-page-3687652
Chapter 104
This is a locked chapterChapter 104
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that although love is not a necessity, it will always be a threat to our relationship with the fox fairy. He tells us that if human relationships were "reset to factory settings," it would be "great" if they were "put on if I had another chance." He also says that if he had a chance to get to know her again, maybe he would "get to know" her again. The fox fairy tells her that he has just gotten her to the military medical camp. He says that he used to be "crazy about yandered male characters" in novels, movies, and dramas. Now, he wants to take him into the police station and put him to death. He wants to "bite you" and "let me bite you" at the same time. He curses her and says that she will never be able to "sexify" again in her life. He also curses his wife, saying that he will "take care of his wife" until she is "drowned and taken care of" by another man's "children." He tells her to "rest in peace," and then he curses the phoenix army and says they deserve to die. He then curses Mr. wang for being "infertile" and says he will take his wife's place. He adds that the army is just a "temporary plan" to "yield to evil guys" .
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