The next morning, the king and the emperor discuss the current state of affairs. The king tells the emperor that he has noticed that the two men seem to be in a state of war. The emperor tells the king that he is sorry that the people of his own country are being mistreated by the emperor of the neighboring country. He says that he trained the farmers to be loyal to the emperor, and that the farmers are now being mistreated because of the emperor's rule. The two men agree that they have different political opinions, but the main reason for their conflict is to fight each other. They decide to hold a family gathering after the conference, and the king says he would like to assist the prime minister in organizing the gathering.
The next morning, the king and the emperor discuss the current state of affairs. The king tells the emperor that he has noticed that the two men seem to be in a state of war. The emperor tells the king that he is sorry that the people of his own country are being mistreated by the emperor of the neighboring country. He says that he trained the farmers to be loyal to the emperor, and that the farmers are now being mistreated because of the emperor's rule. The two men agree that they have different political opinions, but the main reason for their conflict is to fight each other. They decide to hold a family gathering after the conference, and the king says he would like to assist the prime minister in organizing the gathering.