The next morning, the emperor receives an impeachment report that he and his sister-in-law spent the night at a duck brothel. He wants to know where they were, so he sends spies to find out. The spies find out that they spent the whole night in the duck brothel, but the emperor can't figure out what they were up to. He tells the emperor that he has placed assassins wherever he goes to keep him safe. The emperor tells the king that he will never forget the kindness of the kingdom when he is in trouble, and that the kingdom will treat him with courtesy in the future. He also says that the emperor is telling him not to tell his father that he was framed by the wang family. The king says that he is afraid that if he knows the truth, his father will take revenge.
The next morning, the emperor receives an impeachment report that he and his sister-in-law spent the night at a duck brothel. He wants to know where they were, so he sends spies to find out. The spies find out that they spent the whole night in the duck brothel, but the emperor can't figure out what they were up to. He tells the emperor that he has placed assassins wherever he goes to keep him safe. The emperor tells the king that he will never forget the kindness of the kingdom when he is in trouble, and that the kingdom will treat him with courtesy in the future. He also says that the emperor is telling him not to tell his father that he was framed by the wang family. The king says that he is afraid that if he knows the truth, his father will take revenge.