Panda Wife Wants Hug

Panda Wife Wants Hug • Season 2 Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-3853860
Panda Wife Wants Hug • Season 2 Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-3853861
Season 2 Chapter 44
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 44
About This Chapter
The guardian spirit of xi tells the boy that he is his real name, and that he wants to help xi regain his human body. He promises to buy xi all the lipsticks he wants in the future. He also tells xi that his mother and father have died and that yifeng has adopted xi. . The father has apologized to xi for his treatment of him and hopes that xi will be able to forgive him.
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Panda Wife Wants Hug

Panda Wife Wants Hug • Season 2 Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-3853860
Panda Wife Wants Hug • Season 2 Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-3853861
Season 2 Chapter 44
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 44
About This Chapter
The guardian spirit of xi tells the boy that he is his real name, and that he wants to help xi regain his human body. He promises to buy xi all the lipsticks he wants in the future. He also tells xi that his mother and father have died and that yifeng has adopted xi. . The father has apologized to xi for his treatment of him and hopes that xi will be able to forgive him.
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