Infinity Mailman

Infinity Mailman • Chapter 134 • Page ik-page-4343140
Infinity Mailman • Chapter 134 • Page ik-page-4343141
Infinity Mailman • Chapter 134 • Page ik-page-4343142
Chapter 134
This is a locked chapterChapter 134
About This Chapter
The monster tells his mother-in-law that he's going to kill her. He's got a plan: he'll eat the dragon's elixir first, then hide in the villages until the villagers can't find him. Then, he plans to head to the temple and tell his brother what happened. He says that there are no good men like him left in the world, and that he has to let his brother know. The monster says that since he treated him badly, he has decided to "play a game" with his mom. He tells her that she'll be slower in the mountains than an old woman and a hag. He also says that even though he doesn't have a lot of anger, he can still "step smack even anger" . He then says that the culprit was "vengeanceful" , and his liver was "slic
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Infinity Mailman

Infinity Mailman • Chapter 134 • Page ik-page-4343140
Infinity Mailman • Chapter 134 • Page ik-page-4343141
Infinity Mailman • Chapter 134 • Page ik-page-4343142
Chapter 134
This is a locked chapterChapter 134
About This Chapter
The monster tells his mother-in-law that he's going to kill her. He's got a plan: he'll eat the dragon's elixir first, then hide in the villages until the villagers can't find him. Then, he plans to head to the temple and tell his brother what happened. He says that there are no good men like him left in the world, and that he has to let his brother know. The monster says that since he treated him badly, he has decided to "play a game" with his mom. He tells her that she'll be slower in the mountains than an old woman and a hag. He also says that even though he doesn't have a lot of anger, he can still "step smack even anger" . He then says that the culprit was "vengeanceful" , and his liver was "slic
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