I love the album art, and i'm in love with the music. The ugly pigs rule has been destroyed. I wimped out, but this flying V cost me . . 198,000 yen. I dunno what youve got hidden... but youre the only suspected in this room. I swear man, shut up. Just shut up and be quiet. I'm going to explode if you didn't push me back that moment. I apologize, but I feel sorry for you. I don't want to chide anyone. We learn that the chief marble has said that he's going to keep "informs" on people, but that just puts an end to the whole thing for good. Is it the paper fan? Nah, it's just a scratch. Looks like our informant is not giving up. He's serious and trying to help. They need to get out of the room. The informant's probably someone else, hiding out outside. Why is he acting like a leader? Is he just acting like the leader of the group? He can do anything he wants, and nobody is going to complain about it. It's safe, he says, for everyone in the group, too. Why can't he just come out and rat on the informant because he can?