The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3447523
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441770
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441833
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441786
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441771
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441782
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441779
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441810
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441803
Chapter 102
This is a locked chapterChapter 102
About This Chapter
In the meantime, the guards have left the palace and gone to the underground temple, where they have seen no one but the princess. The princess is nowhere to be found, and the guards are left to deal with them. The king is horrified at the sight of the princess, and he decides to take care of her first. He wonders if the others have gone somewhere else, and wonders if it is the princess who has disappeared. He decides to try to find her, and tries to convince the king to stop destroying the eastern empire. He tells the king that he is drowning in glory, and that he should ask himself if he has been drowning in wealth for too long. He reminds the king of the thousands of people who still live in the east, and asks him if he knows of anyone who has tried to survive despite the hardships of life. He says that he did it very well, and if that is what the king wants, he should perish together with the world. He lights a torch out of his way, and thinks about the thunder flares that have been lit. He notices that the ground is trembling, and there is something suspicious about the earthquake and the smoke coming from the temple.
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The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3447523
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441770
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441833
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441786
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441771
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441782
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441779
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441810
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-3441803
Chapter 102
This is a locked chapterChapter 102
About This Chapter
In the meantime, the guards have left the palace and gone to the underground temple, where they have seen no one but the princess. The princess is nowhere to be found, and the guards are left to deal with them. The king is horrified at the sight of the princess, and he decides to take care of her first. He wonders if the others have gone somewhere else, and wonders if it is the princess who has disappeared. He decides to try to find her, and tries to convince the king to stop destroying the eastern empire. He tells the king that he is drowning in glory, and that he should ask himself if he has been drowning in wealth for too long. He reminds the king of the thousands of people who still live in the east, and asks him if he knows of anyone who has tried to survive despite the hardships of life. He says that he did it very well, and if that is what the king wants, he should perish together with the world. He lights a torch out of his way, and thinks about the thunder flares that have been lit. He notices that the ground is trembling, and there is something suspicious about the earthquake and the smoke coming from the temple.
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