The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379099
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379074
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379108
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379077
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379114
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379067
Chapter 76
This is a locked chapterChapter 76
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the enemy forces outnumber the warriors of the Romans by a factor of ten-to-one. We learn that iaras's army will be able to hold the mountain pass against the ten thousand soldiers of the enemy.
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The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379099
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379074
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379108
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379077
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379114
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 76 • Page ik-page-2379067
Chapter 76
This is a locked chapterChapter 76
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the enemy forces outnumber the warriors of the Romans by a factor of ten-to-one. We learn that iaras's army will be able to hold the mountain pass against the ten thousand soldiers of the enemy.
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