Hilna has gone to a villa belonging to one of the neutral factions, and they chased her away, thinking that she was going to talk her way to power. This is not good enough, says the Governess, because it means that she is not going to be able to win the support of the other senators. The Governess decides that it is time to teach Hilna a lesson, and that she should remain a docile princess. She tells the audience that she wants to marry Hilna, but that she cannot because she is so far apart from her lover. She says that she wishes to pierce through the curtain of stars, and with the feeling of each other's warm embrace. She wishes to break the moon-lit door separating them, and she wishes that she could be with her lover in another part of the galaxy.
Hilna has gone to a villa belonging to one of the neutral factions, and they chased her away, thinking that she was going to talk her way to power. This is not good enough, says the Governess, because it means that she is not going to be able to win the support of the other senators. The Governess decides that it is time to teach Hilna a lesson, and that she should remain a docile princess. She tells the audience that she wants to marry Hilna, but that she cannot because she is so far apart from her lover. She says that she wishes to pierce through the curtain of stars, and with the feeling of each other's warm embrace. She wishes to break the moon-lit door separating them, and she wishes that she could be with her lover in another part of the galaxy.