The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658296
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658359
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658313
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658317
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658308
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658316
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658309
Chapter 82
This is a locked chapterChapter 82
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the first thing a slave needs to do is "abandon his past" . In other words, he needs to get rid of his western clothes and go back to wearing his "traditional" clothes. This is the first step in becoming a "sagarian" , and it's a big step for a lot of people, including the young lady in this scene. The young lady tells the young man in the scene that she's not going to let him touch her. She tells him to be careful, because she'll kill him if he touches her. He tells her that he's "going to kill someone," and she begs him to stay away from the young woman. She reminds him that when he first arrived in the West, he was forced to wear clothes that were forced from the West. He's shocked to see how shy she is, and he tells her not to be afraid of him, because they're supposed to fight each other in battle. He also tells her about how the people of the West surrounded him, pointed their swords at his throat, and "abused" him, and how they've quarantined him. He says he doesn't want the disease to spread to them, so he tells them to leave him alone. He then tells them that he and his master, Master muller, spoke up for them, too, and they stopped the people from taking away his clothes and dignity. He reminds them that his father allowed
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The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658296
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658359
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658313
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658317
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658308
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658316
The Lady and the Lion • Chapter 82 • Page ik-page-2658309
Chapter 82
This is a locked chapterChapter 82
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the first thing a slave needs to do is "abandon his past" . In other words, he needs to get rid of his western clothes and go back to wearing his "traditional" clothes. This is the first step in becoming a "sagarian" , and it's a big step for a lot of people, including the young lady in this scene. The young lady tells the young man in the scene that she's not going to let him touch her. She tells him to be careful, because she'll kill him if he touches her. He tells her that he's "going to kill someone," and she begs him to stay away from the young woman. She reminds him that when he first arrived in the West, he was forced to wear clothes that were forced from the West. He's shocked to see how shy she is, and he tells her not to be afraid of him, because they're supposed to fight each other in battle. He also tells her about how the people of the West surrounded him, pointed their swords at his throat, and "abused" him, and how they've quarantined him. He says he doesn't want the disease to spread to them, so he tells them to leave him alone. He then tells them that he and his master, Master muller, spoke up for them, too, and they stopped the people from taking away his clothes and dignity. He reminds them that his father allowed
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