When the Governess returns to her room, she is surprised to find that her son has returned. She tells him that he has two days to find a way out of his situation, and she tells him to calm down. The Governess tells her son that he is not afraid of half-demons or human beings, and that he did it for himself. She asks him why he is so interested in a human, and he tells her that he does not understand why she is interested in him. She says that she is not interested in the love bug, but that she has gotten bit by it. He tells her to save her ramblings and to stop talking so much. He gives her a black card to use for anything she needs. He says that one day he will wipe the smug grin off his face
When the Governess returns to her room, she is surprised to find that her son has returned. She tells him that he has two days to find a way out of his situation, and she tells him to calm down. The Governess tells her son that he is not afraid of half-demons or human beings, and that he did it for himself. She asks him why he is so interested in a human, and he tells her that he does not understand why she is interested in him. She says that she is not interested in the love bug, but that she has gotten bit by it. He tells her to save her ramblings and to stop talking so much. He gives her a black card to use for anything she needs. He says that one day he will wipe the smug grin off his face