The chapter opens with a description of the academy, which is a place for "half-demons" to live and learn. The narrator explains that the academy is like a refuge for half-humans and half-vampires. He tells the story of how he got dizzy in the academy's "inner ogus" the night before. He explains that he found himself there when he was unable to get out of the darkness. He asks the narrator to explain the difference between the human and the half-demon worlds, and the narrator responds that half- demons are "a non-human race" and that humans have been coexisting with them for thousands of years. He then tells the narrator that he can't go back to the academy on his own, since there's no contact between the outside world and the academy. He says that he needs to figure out what's wrong, and that he's afraid that something's going on in his head. He wonders if the bird he saw on the first day was a demon, but the narrator assures him that it's just a bird that's friendly. He also says that there are many "half - demons" who are weaker than humans, and this is where they get the help they need.
The chapter opens with a description of the academy, which is a place for "half-demons" to live and learn. The narrator explains that the academy is like a refuge for half-humans and half-vampires. He tells the story of how he got dizzy in the academy's "inner ogus" the night before. He explains that he found himself there when he was unable to get out of the darkness. He asks the narrator to explain the difference between the human and the half-demon worlds, and the narrator responds that half- demons are "a non-human race" and that humans have been coexisting with them for thousands of years. He then tells the narrator that he can't go back to the academy on his own, since there's no contact between the outside world and the academy. He says that he needs to figure out what's wrong, and that he's afraid that something's going on in his head. He wonders if the bird he saw on the first day was a demon, but the narrator assures him that it's just a bird that's friendly. He also says that there are many "half - demons" who are weaker than humans, and this is where they get the help they need.