In the middle of the fight, the two men are interrupted by the sound of a cat's whistle. The cat is trying to get rid of the poison in the grass, but the poison is too strong for it to do so. The two men look at each other, and the cat realizes that he has caught the poison. He tells the other man that he will kill him if he tries to stop him. The other man tells him that he is not a pure Ming, and that hades will not take him seriously. He also tells the man that the four angels who serve hades are masters of the Mings, and he will never forget their disgrace when they called him a "bastard" last time they fought. The man tells the cat that he cannot go out alive, because he is trapped in the "qiong-qi's domain" . He says that the hades hate the blood lineage of the ferocious beast that they serve, and they are planning to set up another clan in order to be recognized. He feels that he can't play his part in breaking the domain of the beast. He asks the man to listen to his wife's mind, because she knows how to break the domain together. She knows that they need to break it together, or they will not be able to defeat mitsui