The noise of the battle is heard in the distance, and the noise is so loud that it is impossible to see. The noise is a warning that the kingdom is on the brink of collapse. The king asks why the king didn't tell the emperor about the danger. He says that he knows how to make the weapon, but he doesn't have a way to cuckle someone else. The noises are a warning, he says, that something is going to happen. He tells the king not to worry about it, and to forget about it. He reminds the king that before the fall of the kingdom, the mana mana fire that fell from heaven caused the disaster. He hopes that the storming of the prison will be a success. He asks the king if he is from kingdom mo, and he says he was from kingdom yue. He thanks the king for saving him, and tells him that the reason he came to rescue him was to help him become the king of his country. He adds that he has lost everything, but that he is still a princess, and that he can help him get what he wanted before. If only he could get back to court, the courtiers who helped him would be his biggest chip. After that, he needs him to start an internal battle between the royal family and the court. The aristocratic families are powerful, and they will resent the king. He suggests that the fight should be between princes and not between royals. He also suggests that if the kingdom fails, the people of the country should fear. He promises to get the news of the failure arranged.
The noise of the battle is heard in the distance, and the noise is so loud that it is impossible to see. The noise is a warning that the kingdom is on the brink of collapse. The king asks why the king didn't tell the emperor about the danger. He says that he knows how to make the weapon, but he doesn't have a way to cuckle someone else. The noises are a warning, he says, that something is going to happen. He tells the king not to worry about it, and to forget about it. He reminds the king that before the fall of the kingdom, the mana mana fire that fell from heaven caused the disaster. He hopes that the storming of the prison will be a success. He asks the king if he is from kingdom mo, and he says he was from kingdom yue. He thanks the king for saving him, and tells him that the reason he came to rescue him was to help him become the king of his country. He adds that he has lost everything, but that he is still a princess, and that he can help him get what he wanted before. If only he could get back to court, the courtiers who helped him would be his biggest chip. After that, he needs him to start an internal battle between the royal family and the court. The aristocratic families are powerful, and they will resent the king. He suggests that the fight should be between princes and not between royals. He also suggests that if the kingdom fails, the people of the country should fear. He promises to get the news of the failure arranged.