In the palace, the emperor tells the prince that he has sent a messenger to find the princess. The prince is surprised to learn that the emperor has sent someone looking for the princess, but the emperor assures him that the princess will be the one to receive the princess's hand in marriage. The emperor then asks the prince why he is so happy, and the prince replies that he does not have the energy to care for anyone else. He says that he is going to marry the princess because she is the only person he cares about besides his kingdom. He is afraid that the others will laugh at him, but she never abandoned him, and now he is in power, she will always be there for him no matter what. When the prince asks if he is still excited about the kiss, he replies that the prince is getting better at flirting
In the palace, the emperor tells the prince that he has sent a messenger to find the princess. The prince is surprised to learn that the emperor has sent someone looking for the princess, but the emperor assures him that the princess will be the one to receive the princess's hand in marriage. The emperor then asks the prince why he is so happy, and the prince replies that he does not have the energy to care for anyone else. He says that he is going to marry the princess because she is the only person he cares about besides his kingdom. He is afraid that the others will laugh at him, but she never abandoned him, and now he is in power, she will always be there for him no matter what. When the prince asks if he is still excited about the kiss, he replies that the prince is getting better at flirting