After four years of not seeing each other again, the two of them meet again. This time, however, he is "more thick skinned . . nuzzle him becomes more thick skinned" . The narrator complains that he sometimes feels like he is being "squeezed in" by his lover. He wants to read to him, but he is afraid to lose his temper for his lover's coquettishness . He returns home from work and is irritated by his co-workers' teasing. He feels "too ashamed to
After four years of not seeing each other again, the two of them meet again. This time, however, he is "more thick skinned . . nuzzle him becomes more thick skinned" . The narrator complains that he sometimes feels like he is being "squeezed in" by his lover. He wants to read to him, but he is afraid to lose his temper for his lover's coquettishness . He returns home from work and is irritated by his co-workers' teasing. He feels "too ashamed to