At the end of the first round of the tournament, the referee calls a halt to the fight. After a brief pause, the ref announces that the winner of the match has been declared the victor by knock-out. After the referee leaves, the two men discuss the outcome of the fight, which was decided by a left-mid kick from the opponent. The two men agree that the kick was a good one, but that it was not quite perfect. They both agree that it is time for the next round of fights, and that the next fight should be a light-weight bout. They agree that they should not worry about the opponent's health, as he is still fighting in the semi-finals. They also agree that he should be given some time to warm up before the next bout.
At the end of the first round of the tournament, the referee calls a halt to the fight. After a brief pause, the ref announces that the winner of the match has been declared the victor by knock-out. After the referee leaves, the two men discuss the outcome of the fight, which was decided by a left-mid kick from the opponent. The two men agree that the kick was a good one, but that it was not quite perfect. They both agree that it is time for the next round of fights, and that the next fight should be a light-weight bout. They agree that they should not worry about the opponent's health, as he is still fighting in the semi-finals. They also agree that he should be given some time to warm up before the next bout.