Song in the Clouds

Song in the Clouds • Chapter 28: It's a Master of Flowers (Part 1) • Page ik-page-4637654
Chapter 28: It's a Master of Flowers (Part 1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 28: It's a Master of Flowers (Part 1)
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two young men discuss the events of the previous day. They decide to go for a walk together, but they are interrupted by the arrival of the gao's friend, who has been kidnapped. The gao tells the young men that she has fainted after killing someone for the first time, and that she will not be able to return home until she is well. The young men agree that the kidnapping was part of the rebellion of the prince, and they decide to return to the city together.
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Song in the Clouds

Song in the Clouds • Chapter 28: It's a Master of Flowers (Part 1) • Page ik-page-4637654
Chapter 28: It's a Master of Flowers (Part 1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 28: It's a Master of Flowers (Part 1)
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two young men discuss the events of the previous day. They decide to go for a walk together, but they are interrupted by the arrival of the gao's friend, who has been kidnapped. The gao tells the young men that she has fainted after killing someone for the first time, and that she will not be able to return home until she is well. The young men agree that the kidnapping was part of the rebellion of the prince, and they decide to return to the city together.
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