Gourmet Glutton

Gourmet Glutton • Vol.23 Chapter 9: Self-Sacrifice • Page ik-page-2542356
Vol.23 Chapter 9: Self-Sacrifice
This is a locked chapterVol.23 Chapter 9: Self-Sacrifice
About This Chapter
The five competitors eat the same amount of food as before. One of the competitors, a man from the island of Taiwan, has already eaten all of the eggs off of the top of the giant piece of bread. The other competitors, including the man from Mongolia, have also eaten the entire piece. The men are at their limit, so they have to eat slowly. The narrator says that he does not have the power to beat them, since he has no way of doing so. He says that the only way he has to help himself is to help the other competitors. He tells the men that he used to be strong in the five-stomach competition, but that he is back to his old bad habits. The others are worried that the man is eating too fast, but the narrator points out that he has not changed from his old habits.
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Gourmet Glutton

Gourmet Glutton • Vol.23 Chapter 9: Self-Sacrifice • Page ik-page-2542356
Vol.23 Chapter 9: Self-Sacrifice
This is a locked chapterVol.23 Chapter 9: Self-Sacrifice
About This Chapter
The five competitors eat the same amount of food as before. One of the competitors, a man from the island of Taiwan, has already eaten all of the eggs off of the top of the giant piece of bread. The other competitors, including the man from Mongolia, have also eaten the entire piece. The men are at their limit, so they have to eat slowly. The narrator says that he does not have the power to beat them, since he has no way of doing so. He says that the only way he has to help himself is to help the other competitors. He tells the men that he used to be strong in the five-stomach competition, but that he is back to his old bad habits. The others are worried that the man is eating too fast, but the narrator points out that he has not changed from his old habits.
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