Zero Point Idol

Zero Point Idol • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-2090226
Zero Point Idol • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-2090228
Zero Point Idol • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-2090237
Zero Point Idol • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-2090235
Chapter 45
This is a locked chapterChapter 45
About This Chapter
The scene opens on a deck overlooking the ocean, where a group of people are gathered to listen to a performance by a famous singer. The singer, who is also known as "Mr. Liu," tells the group that he has just received an invitation to spend the night with "someone important to me" . The group is impressed by the singer's performance, and the singer thanks the singer for the invitation. He tells the singer that he was moved by his performance and that he is glad that he could spend the evening with someone "important to me." The singer is shocked to learn that the two women are talking about a "distraught face" , and he is furious. He asks the singer why he is being treated this way, and she tells him that she has been waiting for him for a long time. She asks him to come with her, if he wants to bring her "wrong partner with shot."
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Zero Point Idol

Zero Point Idol • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-2090226
Zero Point Idol • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-2090228
Zero Point Idol • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-2090237
Zero Point Idol • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-2090235
Chapter 45
This is a locked chapterChapter 45
About This Chapter
The scene opens on a deck overlooking the ocean, where a group of people are gathered to listen to a performance by a famous singer. The singer, who is also known as "Mr. Liu," tells the group that he has just received an invitation to spend the night with "someone important to me" . The group is impressed by the singer's performance, and the singer thanks the singer for the invitation. He tells the singer that he was moved by his performance and that he is glad that he could spend the evening with someone "important to me." The singer is shocked to learn that the two women are talking about a "distraught face" , and he is furious. He asks the singer why he is being treated this way, and she tells him that she has been waiting for him for a long time. She asks him to come with her, if he wants to bring her "wrong partner with shot."
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