In the middle of the night, Cai Lingyu is woken up by the sound of someone's voice. He realizes that it's the leader of the party. He tries to hide in the shadows, but he can't find anyone. He's afraid that someone is hiding in his house, so he goes outside to search for them. He finds them, but they're already gone. Cai Mingyu tells him that they've managed to escape, and that they don't know what to do next. They're afraid to return to the city, because they'll be submitting themselves to the authorities. They need to find a place to take care of taotao, and they need to make sure that he doesn't get sick again. They ask to be sent to the pavilion, but the pavilion is closed to outsiders, so they have to send her home first. They also need to figure out a way to get to the pavillion, because the pavilion isn't open to outsiders. They can go there, but first they must send her back to her hometown, because she's not an outsider. They have to go first, because there's nothing in the pavilion that can be exposed to the outside world. The narrator tells us that the narrator hasn't told him anything about the autopsy that he had done on the coffin. He didn't want to ask him, because he's been looking for the truth about the death of his father, and he wanted to find out what happened on that day. He wants to go back to see what happened. He also wants to ask about the day that his father died.