The leader asks where they are going, and chu wonders if the inns are nearby. The banner is old, and the owner might not want to change it, or he might have abandoned it. The town used to have a lot of people, but now it's become a ghost town. The leader wonders what happened, and wonders if it was abandoned. The group decides to stay indoors and recharge, and then they'll go back out to investigate. chu asks if he remembers what the lady said, and he wonders if she forgot what she said. He wonders if he has magic power, but the leader tells him to go down and investigate. He tells chu that he'll find out what the monster is before he can figure it out, and that's when chu realizes he's going to have to buy himself some time to figure it all out. He's shocked that the woman got it right, and so he tries to use the magic on her, but it doesn't work. The woman tells him that the town is called fuyin, which means blessed, because before, there was a battle between the mountain god and a group of soldiers. Since then, the village has turned into a bunch of "cat-faced men" . In the worst cases, the villagers lose their minds and go crazy, and they look like