The next morning, Ming and Miss chu discuss the incident that took place earlier in the day. Ming says that he hopes they won't take the incident personally, since he hasn't had all the fun since he heard about it. She tells him that she heard that he opposed the governor in order to help someone, and that the man has been disturbing her loved one. Ming asks if the man is dead, and she tells him to bring the man to the camp to get medical attention. Ming tells her that yesheng was framed by the governor, accused of spying for the jian nation, and forced to leap off a cliff after that. Ming is shocked that the governor is using the name "the chaplain" to cover his own incompetence. Ming wants to know if Ming is willing to work for him, and Ming says he still needs to learn more about how to use his magic powers. Ming reminds her that she didn't notice that she was Ming's heiress when she used her magic powers, so she must have been really talented. Ming thinks that if they can convince chu to join them, they don't have to rely on chu ke anymore.