When taotao wakes up, he's not worried. He's just been exhausted. He tells chu-qing to take a leave of absence today, and they'll bring back Madam Qing first. Aww, that sounds like a good plan, right? Ooh, it was the cat! Why is there such a cat in a place like this? Well, it turns out that it's a cat. Ooh! Okay, so what's going on? It's the cat. Okay, what the heck are we talking about? Aww. Well, the cat's been there for a long time, so it must've been a good time for it to be there. The cat looks weak, and tao-tao asks why he hasn't come out with him first. He wants to know why there's such a thing as a cat there. He asks why there isn't a cat out there, and the cat answers, "Whoosh whoosh, whoosh?" Ooh. Okay. What's this all about? The cat is in the middle of nowhere, so the cat has to be rescued first. Okay... Ooh... Aww... What the heck is going on here? It turns out the cat was there for the purpose of getting Madam Qing out of her trance. Woohoo! Aww! What the? We're talking about a whole new level of horror! Ooh ! Okay... Okay, now that we've gotten the cat out of the trance, what can we do for the rest of the day? Well... we're going to get a robot to take care of Madam Qing. What type of robot would that be? Okay, this is a good idea, but what