It's morning, and tao is getting ready to leave for work. He's super bummed out, but he's not about to give up. He tells jiu that he'll stay to find out about what's going on. jiu tells him to be careful, but chu-qing doesn't want to leave, because he knows that taotao's future is bright, and he wants to protect him. jin tries to calm him down, telling him to go home and pack his stuff. tao-tao tells jin that he just got a cold and needs to get well. He says that jiu is taking good care of her, and that he hopes nothing bad happens to her again. He asks jin to stop stalking him while he is changing his clothes. yuncheng is sneaky, and there's some noise in the hotel. He wants to know why jin is stalking him, and she tells him that she came to see him right after he finished his work. She asks him to meet her and find out what s/he's up to. .