The narrator wakes up and realizes that he's been dreaming for a long time. He wonders how the school let him and his friend go to the tomb. He's also worried that the mice have frightened him. He asks the girl if she's up and the girl says no. The narrator tries to get the girl to tell him what's going on, but the girl doesn't want to talk about it. The girl tells him that the school is going to take him for a fruitcake, and the narrator is all, "I'm done with this, they're going to have me for a snack." The girl says she'll tell her sister, and then the narrator falls asleep again. He wakes up again and wonders if the mice scared him so much that he started talking weird things. He tells the girl that he has to tell her about the treasure, and she says that's fine, but he'll have to tell his sister about it later. She says that she can't believe that the girl is so scared, and that she'd be fine if she didn't have a fever. She asks if the girl has a fever, and he says that it's not like he has one. He then asks if she has a headache, and her response is, "Oh, no, I have no headache. I'm perfectly fine." He tells her that he can tell that she has lost her mind, because she was so frightened by the mice that she started saying weird things, and