This chapter opens with a thudding sound. It's the voice of Madam Qi, who's finally come to meet her husband and son-in-law. She tells him that the moment that the jade entered his body, his and hers were connected. He's dead, she says, but he's in her consciousness all along. The two of them urge him to go back to his parents' house, where he belongs. They tell him that his parents have left him long ago, and that they're just illusions. He says he'll have to use a forbidden spell to save his mom. He tells her that he was so close to dying in his dream, but thanks to Madam Qi's presence, he doesn't have to die. He thanks God that he came in time to save mom's life, otherwise, he says, he'd have lost his life. He asks who can help him, and the leader tells him to stay and think about how to deal with the situation. The leader is creating an array of protection, but it's only effective in the area of the dream. He wants to take a nap, but the leader says he needs to be obedient to his master. He also wants to rest, so he tells the leader to go and