The next morning, taotao wakes up. He's worried that his wife is in a coma, and he wants to find out what's going on. Worried, he goes to the inn and tells the innkeeper that he's tired and needs to take a nap. He doesn't want to tell anyone about it, but the innkeeper assures him that it's okay, and the innkeeper tells him to chill out for a bit. Unsure of what to do, he asks the innkeeper if his wife's sickness is related to him. The innkeeper explains that he lost his mind and fed his wife "dreams" , and that's how she's now in the coma. He says he'll go for a nap, but warns her to be careful because if she falls, she'll be unable to care for her sick wife. He tells her to call him "taotao" instead of "xiaomei" . He also tells her that she should blame "chu qing" for her sister's illness instead of calling her "miaomei."