In this chapter, we learn that Dr. Duan's handwriting is bad, and that he has requested that taotao write a letter for him. Worried that the doctor will return soon, he decides to go to rescue him. He tells tao that when jinxue was around, she used the magic of the pendant to compel the doctor to give her the medicine she wanted. . He asks tao if he knows anything else, and tao says that they need to know what jinxesue's weakness is first. He says that he can release the pendant if he smashes it with the magic rod, but that they should go back and find jinxingue to borrow the rod, because he is now not only the doctor's son-in-law, but also his sister. He wants to save both of them, and he knows that they must respect their choice. He decides to use the influence of the pavilion to protect his sister