In this chapter, we learn that tao is not so ruthless as he had thought. He has fulfilled the contract with Ming, but he is still sad because of the girl. He tells Ming that he will not stop Ming from approaching him in the future if he can help him get the jades. Ming is tempted to sell Ming for the jade, but Ming reminds him that she is not his sister, but his friend. Ming tells tao that he is going to find him later, and Ming tells him that chu is back at school. Ming says that he would never allow such a thing to happen, and he will find a way for Ming to help the other students. Ming then tells chu that he has had a delicious dinner, and that he wants to pinch the narcissist and the senior's balls. He says he cannot live without Ming anymore, and chu says he should have left the two students to die. Ming tries to release some of the negative emotions, but she is too emotional. She says she will never be able to deal with it if she runs away from it.