Shu-ching suspects that Madam Qi's consciousness has been sealed inside his body. He wakes up to find that her consciousness is in his body, and that she might be able to replace him in time. He tells her to wake up and not fall asleep, and to push open the feline jade to find out what she means by replacing him. He promises that he will take the other twelve feline jade pieces as soon as he can, and he promises to keep his word. Shu-ping coughs and says that he thinks Madam Qi is his savior. He asks to speak to brother ayan first, but he is interrupted by a creak in the door. He wants to ask for help finding some people, but there is no food at the house, so he asks to be let in first. When he hears the thud of footsteps, he realizes that he is the one who has put him to sleep with his incense. He then asks why he is being let in, and when he finds out that he has been saved by the animal management association, he asks if he also wants to kill him just like the cat.