Everyone is here, and the students are complaining about how ugly their outfits are. Senior Miaojiu tells them that they're the only ones chosen for the traineeship, so they'll be protected. Miao Zhen and Miao Yesheng go to the top of the mountain to check on the progress of the plan. Senior Master Miao Jiu tells him that Madame Guizhou's heiress has arrived, and they need to act quickly. He tells them to explain to him how to resurrect her in a way that's different from the way that she's been doing it for the last thousand years. He also tells them about the feline jade, which was given to the twelve people who were supposed to perform the ceremony. He says that the resurrection magic rod is supposed to protect them if someone betrays them and ruins the entire plan. He then tells the students to follow him to the tomb.