In this chapter, the cat named miao-jue explains that he came to the land of the ocelot because he was looking for an heir to the power of the guardian, Madam Qi. Madam Qi led her twelve guards into battle against the invading army, but they were outnumbered and lost. She turned her magic staff into thirteen fragments of feline jade, and each piece carried a part of the primordial power that she possessed. The moment that the feline jade unites, she shall be reborn as an immortal being. The cat named swish explains that this is the time for the cat to realize his predestined destiny. He tells the cat that he is wasting his time in the classroom by being trapped in a lecture hall, and that he will discuss the concept of archaeology in the next chapter. He then tells the teacher that he found the kitten in the school and that the kitten needs to be taken to the vet for neutering. The teacher tells the kitten to come back right away, but the kitten does not come back. The kitten is passed out, and the teacher tells him that he should be neutered immediately.