This chapter opens in a pavilion in the middle of nowhere. It's the pavilion of the Unsullied, and the leader of the party is there. He's just arrived, and he's got a message for the leader: "Miss Xunyue pavilion, whoo, Mr. miaojiu, you're here." The leader asks the man if he remembers anything from the fire. The man says that he remembers nothing, but that his memories are hazy. The leader tells him that he can leave now, and that he'll just have to forget about it. The tap on the leader's tap says that the tap asked the man about the fire, but the man didn't ask the woman about it, so it's unclear what he was asking her about. It turns out that miao yin left yuncheng and headed east instead of back to the north, which is what the tap was asking about. This is suspicious, because the woman's words seem contradictory, and she's been talking about something that's happened a lot lately. She's also been acting weird lately, and everyone thought that she was crazy. Everyone thought she was traveling back in time to ancient times,